
I accept Senator Cornyn's CHALLENGE to Enter Into Intelligent Discourse on Subject of FRACKING

Apparently I caught the attention of rabid right wing Texas Senator @ on twitter (his profile) He replied that he "LOVES AN INTELLIGENT conversation in regards to a remark I made to someone else about him (see his TWEET BELOW)...
Love an intellegent conversation RT @FracktoidNews: @bacco1 I would tell Senator John Cornyn (R) TX to kiss my hillbilly white arse. I got his SMART SCIENCE RIGHT HERE. #GASLAND
Now I am sure our ESTEEMED (use that term LOOSELY...emphasis added)Senator John Cornyn was being flippant, but I was raised to TAKE A MAN AT HIS WORD.  Going to assume here that Senator John Cornyn was/is sincere in stating he "loves an intelligent" conversation, specifically on the subject of Hydraulic Fracturing as relates to Natural Gas...he is for it, myself and others are against it, and his past behaviors would lead me to believe he has a VERY CLOSED MIND on the subject, but I am more than willing to be proved wrong on that assumption. 

So, Senator Cornyn, you have CHALLENGED ME to enter into intelligent discourse with you, and I hereby accept on the behalf of myself and all those who feel Hydraulic Fracturing as it is currently being carried out presents a grave peril to human health and our environment.  As I am sure you are aware, blog posts have a comment section...we can use that too debate and/or discuss this issue, the National Security ramifications of not going after Natural Gas plays here in America, the truth or lies of the industry (and our government's) claim that our Natural Gas deposits can help get us off of addiction to oil, as well as the health and environmental risks that are involved in the exploitation of this energy source, and wither or not it is fair to ask our rural communities to PAY THAT PRICE.  

The comments section on this post is hereby OPEN TO YOU SIR...lets, as you say, enjoy some intelligent conversation.  Or is our esteemed Senator from Texas a CHICKEN?

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