Chesapeake Energy, who sure seems to have a LOT OF ENVIRONMENTAL VIOLATIONS seems to have a major catastrophic emergency on its hands in Bradford County, PA. The company who insists that FRACKING has never damaged ground water can NEVER AGAIN SAY THOSE WORDS, nor can the industry.
A Fracking Well GONE WILD over night has literally poured TENS OF THOUSANDS of gallons of highly dangerous, poisonous fracking fluids onto the farm land in this once picturesque area, the volume of the chemicals so large that it has FLOODED INTO THE NEARBY CREEKS AND STREAMS, with the damage to Ground Water sure to be immense. The deadly chemical mix is so lethal to both animals and humans that nearby residents HAVE BEEN EVACUATED.
A Chesapeake Energy spokesperson said, "thousands of gallons of fluid leaked over farm land and into a creek from a natural gas well in Bradford County." The timing could not be worse, as President Obama just yesterday had said, "If we are going to do this, it has to be done in a way that does not POISON PEOPLE." TOO LATE!
First responders, and other qualified personnel in a all hands on deck NATIONAL EMERGENCY are desperately trying to contain the spill of these deadly chemicals as the FRACKING FLUIDS continue to flow unabated from the WELL PAD.
The blowout occurred on the Morse family farm in LeRoy Township outside Canton, a farming community who probably jumped at the money when the landman showed up, lease in hand with his slick sales pitch...that easy money for Randy Morse who ran cattle on his land is NOT SO EASY NOW, as he and his family will NEVER AGAIN be able to drink from the brook on his land that Chesapeake Energy has forever poisoned.
Chesapeake Energy official Brian Grove trying to put lipstick on a pig said "A piece of equipment on the well failed. Now a major response is underway to stop the leak of frack fluid and get control of the well. We've been able to limit the flow. We're still doing additional work to regain full control," NOTICE HERE FOLKS, that the well is STILL GUSHING dangerous deadly chemical laden toxic FRACKING FLUIDS into the environment, threatening both SAFE DRINKING WATER AND HUMAN HEALTH!
Chesapeake Energy official Brian Grove trying to put lipstick on a pig said "A piece of equipment on the well failed. Now a major response is underway to stop the leak of frack fluid and get control of the well. We've been able to limit the flow. We're still doing additional work to regain full control," NOTICE HERE FOLKS, that the well is STILL GUSHING dangerous deadly chemical laden toxic FRACKING FLUIDS into the environment, threatening both SAFE DRINKING WATER AND HUMAN HEALTH!
Mr. Grove went on to say, "There is no telling yet how much of that extremely salty water mixed with chemicals and sand has impacted the nearby Towanda Creek, but no gas has escaped into the air." Can't you almost hear him saying under his breath, "Yet".
Neighbor Ted Tomlinson said "The biggest thing is the footprint on the environment. Well obviously this is a big footprint." Thanks to one neighbors GREED, a entire community is NOW SUFFERING, PAYING THE ULTIMATE PRICE FOR (un)Natural Gas FRACKING...for those not liking the tone of this article, too bad. We have tried to WARN YOU, and now people like TEd Tomlinson are worried that their SAFE CLEAN DRINKING WATER that is just a few football fields away from this poorly managed and installed Chesapeake Energy Drilling Well has FOREVER BEEN RUINED. It is noted here, that the IMMEDIATE HEALTH RISK IS SO SEVERE that Ted Tomlinson was forced to evacuate he and his family from their home
Neighbor Ted Tomlinson said "The biggest thing is the footprint on the environment. Well obviously this is a big footprint." Thanks to one neighbors GREED, a entire community is NOW SUFFERING, PAYING THE ULTIMATE PRICE FOR (un)Natural Gas FRACKING...for those not liking the tone of this article, too bad. We have tried to WARN YOU, and now people like TEd Tomlinson are worried that their SAFE CLEAN DRINKING WATER that is just a few football fields away from this poorly managed and installed Chesapeake Energy Drilling Well has FOREVER BEEN RUINED. It is noted here, that the IMMEDIATE HEALTH RISK IS SO SEVERE that Ted Tomlinson was forced to evacuate he and his family from their home
Wondering if Governor Corbett HAS A COMMENT TODAY?