
White House and Obama On Energy Security...LET FRACKING BEGIN....Safely Of Course

If you visit the White House website, you can look at the President's fact sheet on Energy Security...included in his portforlio is one brief paragraph that makes it clear he wants shale gas production INCREASED, but of course promises it will be done safely....this on the same day that RADIATION WAS FOUND in Washington state milk.  

Encouraging responsible development practices for natural gas:  The Administration is committed to the use of this important domestic resource, but we must ensure it is developed safely and responsibly. To that end the Administration is focused on increasing transparency about the use of fracking chemicals, working with state regulators to offer technical assistance, and launching a new initiative to tap experts in industry, the environmental community and states to develop recommendations for shale extraction practices that will ensure the protection of public health and the environment.

So curious...is any one else skeptical of his promise to see that shale extraction practices will be done in a way that ensures protection of the public health and environment? So much for ALL THAT HOPE we had back in 2008.

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